CSA Meat Share Q3 2024

Starting at $450

July, Aug, Sept 2024
Classic size, $450: 10-15lbs/month
Family size, $550: 15-20lbs/month

Choose a meat share size
You will receive one share of meat (chicken, beef, and pork) per month for the duration of the quarter (3 months).
1 × CSA Meat Share Q3 2024 - Classic Share, $450
1 × CSA Meat Share Q3 2024 - Family Share, $550
Add flowers to your order
You will receive one bouquet per month for the duration of the quarter (3 months), at $25 per bouquet.
Flower bouquet x 3 months
Add eggs to your order
You will receive the same quantity and selection each month, for the duration of the quarter (3 months). Chicken eggs $6.50 per dozen and duck eggs $12.50 per dozen.
Eggs - Brown Chicken Eggs x 3 months
Eggs - Blue Chicken Eggs x 3 months
Eggs - Duck Eggs x 3 months

Pickup Location *



Delicious pastured meats straight from our farm each month!  Receive a variety of our beyond-organic pastured chicken (both whole and parts), pastured pork, and grass-fed beef.

Payment is due prior to the start of each quarter.

Pick up at our farm or at Reston Bible Church on the first Monday of every month.

Shares are limited, and usually sell out.

I have been eating meat from various farms for over the last five years or so, and your meat, is by far the best tasting my family has ever had! No matter how its cooked; its phenomenal. No matter the type of meat—it is always juicy, tender, and keeps you going back for seconds and thirds. You have life long meat CSA members with our family!”  — Kristina T.

Grass-Fed Beef

Most beef in the U.S. is raised in CAFOs, or concentrated animal feeding operations.  They live in crowded conditions, often standing for hours in their own manure, and consume a diet of corn-based feed.  Did you know that most health risks associated with eating beef are problems with corn-fed (not grass-fed) beef?

Our cattle rotates through the pasture, moving to a fresh paddock about once per week.  They thrive on a 100% grass diet, with supplemented minerals, and receive plenty of exercise every day.  This healthy lifestyle produces healthy cows without a need for medications of any kind.

Pastured Poultry

What’s so great about pastured poultry?

Pastured poultry tastes better and is better for you.  Here’s why…

Most commercially raised chickens, even those marked “organic” or “free range”, are raised completely indoors with thousands of other chickens.  They rarely or never see the sun, breathe fresh air, or touch a blade of grass.

In contrast, our pastured birds are out on pasture every day!  They hunt and peck for bugs, eat grass and weeds, and enjoy fresh air and sunshine.

We keep our pastured chickens safe in a “chicken tractor”, or mobile shelter.  Twice every day, the tractor is pulled to fresh grass.  This keeps their quarters clean while providing access to new grass and new bugs, as well as sunshine and fresh air.

Our chickens also receive local, non-GMO feed that is tested to be free of pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate.

Pastured Pork

We raise a heritage breed of pigs called Mulefoot.  Our pigs rotate through the pasture, eating grass and weeds, bugs, and a local non-GMO feed.  Every few days or so we move them to a fresh patch of pasture.  They have a small shelter to provide shade, and it moves with them.

Mulefoot meat is the tastiest pork we’ve ever experienced, and we’re thrilled to offer it as a part of our monthly meat CSA.

Additional information

Choose a Size

Classic Share, $450, Family Share, $550